Tuesday, 12 January 2010


Orphan trailer:

Orphan bases the thrills of a mothers nightmares of her children, the orphan (esta) who is a Crazy (SPOILER ALERT) 33 year old woman who acts has a child and gets fosters by a mother who lost her baby, she kills people violently with no consequences for her actions and threatens the children if they tell, she causes the parents to have arguments.

Here esta is killing the childrens dad because he wouldnt sleep with her, Esta is not shy about her actions and very experienced and she stabs him multiple times, shes dressed up in the jeans the mother gave her with is forshadowing past events in the film.

esta breaks her own arm to make it look like the mother broke it when she grabbed esta, this gets the father against the mother.
the scene is very nail biting and shows that people are willing to do anbything, this follows the codes and conventions because its shocking the audience, but has a horror fill to it because off the gore etc.

Here the music is typical of a death scene, very squely like violins and build up tension.
Again with the film the gore is alot with the sound goes higher when shes hit, also the sound effects of the hit ats a jumping feel.

Aagin the sound here, when the mother sees the flowers that represent her baby the music is showing her feelings, they are destressed and horrific.

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