Mick , Ben and Charles' Thriller blog of our work to our very own production version of a thriller.
This is where we choose what style of thriller we want, and how we are going to shoot it, also what we are choosing to base our video clip on.
Friday, 29 January 2010
- Robert De Niro starts out by walking slowly down the hospital ward. The scene starts out in a train station which we personally like , but it would be very dangerous and we'd probably get put in jail if we tried to film a train coming at us =D. The scene then goes on to following Robert De Niro and his POV when looking into the hospital room's.
No Country For Old Men-
- Is set in a deserted area Set probably in Arizona, which i like (Mick.M) but we cant find an area around us that is that deserted.
Carlito's Way-
- I (Mick.M) like the POV shot in carlito's way, because it shows not only his POV but the POV of those treating him as he is lying down on the bed.
I think it would be a good idea to involve a camera flash in our sequence with the camera flash blinding the viewers for a few seconds, maybe with a flash-bang sound to cover it all
i would also like 2 include screaming sounds of pain.
We did our thriller pitch to the rest of our class: - We were told to focus on content rather than the style, because we involved too much blood and gore in our film pitch. - We were also told to refer to our narrative of our whole film. - We also need to discuss the events that are going to happen later on in our film, and how and why we want to do these things.
CHARACTERS: Unknown Killer - this character is shy about society but not about his work, he prefers to lure or stalk his victims into dark, secluded areas where he only lets his victims know they are being stalked right before he tortures, slowly and silently kills them.
Victim - confident, sure of his ability to survive, not very head strong
NARRATIVE: His first victim is stuck down to a chair by rope or duct tape the killer starts by slowly cutting away at his victims arms, hands and legs. He then takes photo's of his victim in pain to show 2 himself every morning, which makes him feel better about his circumstances. A confident, efficient killer is on the rampage in 'The City' and Detective Hatchet and Constable Higginbottom are dispatched to the scene of a horrific murder. At the scence of the crime a young teenager has been brutally butchered and found in a trash bin, his head on the road, no finger prints or signs left.
Atmosphere: The atmosphere of our film is quite tense, because the police officer's are trying to understand and stop the killer, before he harms anyone else.
Camera Work: Changes from handheld style to some panning and a range of non shaky shots.
Mise-En-Scene: Dark and scary for the viewer. The killer wears dark colourless clothes, he murders his victims slowly in a blood soaked room.
I chose to watch and scrutinize a film called Surface by some fellow longRoadian's. Here is the fIlm: I personally would give this film a 52 out of 60 (52/60) as they have a good use of low key lighting. They also have a good use of sound effect's throughout the whole scene and costuming as it all fits together quite nicely. But they did not really think about their editing very much as the entrance of their names was very basic, and could have been done in a much better way, e.g make it drip in with the blood/Make it look like it's someone's personal handwriting.
Cape fear - what does this sequence give you about the film? The beginning of the film shows water, rippling this could connote that one of the characters has a fear of water. A eagle then fly's over and gives a reflection, an eagle is a predator so with it flying over the water it might mean that the killer drowns people.
The water has a rippling effect what dissort's the background so we cant tell what it is, a thriller normaly involves misterious and you don' see the death, this could mean that. they are also very dark and gloomy. the ripples inculde the colour red, again for blood. a eye then appears in the back ground, i think eyes are very innocent so it could be the main character thats trying to solve this. a silluhate of a man also fades in, the man has no weapons but his hands are tensed, he could use his hands as weapons and not guns etc the end of the trailer there are red eyes - whichs conntoes the man is dangerous , they then invert to blue which could mean his cold inside and has no emotions
Vertigo starts off with a close-up of a woman's face, moving slowly from her mouth to he eyes. This symbolizes that this film will be quite an up-close and scary film, much like many thrillers. The film starts off in black and white to give the viewer an eerie feeling and to make the viewer unsure of what is going to happen. This is good as it keeps the viewer guessing what is going on, and keeps them interested and excited/scared. The scene then changes its colour to a dark red this shows us yet again that this is going to be a scary film and will have the viewer on the edge of their seat. The colour red symbolizes that the film is likely to be quite scary and connotes fear, blood and passion. which all of these things this film has. The film then changes its viewers look on the film, showing spinning circles among other shapes,protruding from the woman's eye. This is a good use of the technology around at that time as it shows what those who suffer from vertigo feel, dizzy and nauseous and that the whole room is spinning. The use of these shapes gives the viewer a feeling for those that suffer from vertigo, they also make the viewer dazed, and give the viewer a feeling of confusion and mystery.
Cape Fear-
This film starts off in the water giving the viewers the feeling that the main character is all alone and most if not all people feel vulnerable, isolatedand get a lot more cautious when they're alone. The scene quickly moves on to show an eagle reflection in the water,
this shows how much another character will dominate or follow the main character throughout the whole film , this has been shown by an eagle as it is a bird of prey. It then changes yet again to show a woman's eye,and her mouth an nosean also her torso later on, it uses a female to give their film an altenative look, because most people dont expect a female character to be scary. It also uses a female to give the audience a feeling that the main character will be female and to give them fear for the lead character. The scene also changes colours and feels a few times to give the viewer a feeling of insecurity and confusion. A red screen then flows down the whole screen with a water drop following it at the same time, this yet again shows the films whole use of water as being a scary item this is empathized with the start of the opening scene. By using the red with the water drop it helps to show what the director is planning to happen in this film, as red is a dangerous colour which gives conotations of blood and or danger or war. The whole scene then changes to a man's eyes to give those viewing the movie a feeling of being watched, which yet again gives the viewer the jitter's before the film has even started properly. The whole scene then yet again changes to an inverted view of the man & his eyes, this gives me the feeling that he has a cold personality, and doesent get very emotional even about death, and that he is very aloof. Also the use of having the water covering all these images the director is choosing to show us , keeps us with the original thought of being alone. Cape Fear also has very low lighting, which gives the viewers a feeling of insecurity and helps the viewer in their thinking that something will happen.
Vertigo - what clues sequence gives about the film.
The opening of vertigo includes a womans lips, the lips are very plump which could connote sex appeal what could get her into danger. It then pans up to her eyes, they look scared when they are moving around - looking for someone? - and very teary, then a red overlay slides up , this connotes her death could be slow and gets more painful (as the red screen goes up), also red connotes death and blood, but also passion, maybe the killer has a passion killing. From her hey a swirling 3D form appears, the form gets bigger and changes color during the credits, when it swirls the it could mean there's a twist in the film and very mysterios, behind the swirl is an image of a finger print what connotes the mistaken identity. the shapes could also mean the 'vertigo' of looking down when you get dizzy, The writing credits are also very police file type - has something to do with the law? also that the killer could be an ex-criminal it then goes back into her eyes, her eyes look more confident at the end of the trailer which could connote that she has the upper hand at the end of the film.
Vertigo - How does it confirm to the conventions of a thriller.
The opening scene confirms to the conventions excellently, thrillers usualy involve suspencefull scenes and music, mystery and doesn't give much away. the opening scenes trailer is very mysterious with the music and the shapes they also give mystery and the woman doesnt give anything away about the film
- As we can see from watching this video of The Shining it has very eerie music, having a mixture of low pitched sounds and constant droning which gives the viewer a strange creepy out feeling. The use of a string instrument throughout the opening gives the scene a dramatic feel and adds to the intimidating feel of the scene. By the composer using a echo it adds to the dramatization of the scene. The composer also uses some distorted sounds and some subjective noise to make the whole scene more grand and intimidating.
- The use of the lake at the start of the scene adds to the mystery of the scene, and provides the viewer with much discomfort and anguish, because it is an isolated lake, and people get the fear of death and drowning. By then cutting to the singular car on the long and bendy road, this yet again put's anxiety into the viewer's mind. By the use of a long and bendy road it symbolizes that everything is not straight and simple and there are likely to be "unexpected turns" throughout the film. The use of this road represents the narrative of the film also, showing that this film is not just going to be a simple and straight forward film
Orphan bases the thrills of a mothers nightmares of her children, the orphan (esta) who is a Crazy (SPOILER ALERT) 33 year old woman who acts has a child and gets fosters by a mother who lost her baby, she kills people violently with no consequences for her actions and threatens the children if they tell, she causes the parents to have arguments.
Here esta is killing the childrens dad because he wouldnt sleep with her, Esta is not shy about her actions and very experienced and she stabs him multiple times, shes dressed up in the jeans the mother gave her with is forshadowing past events in the film.
esta breaks her own arm to make it look like the mother broke it when she grabbed esta, this gets the father against the mother. the scene is very nail biting and shows that people are willing to do anbything, this follows the codes and conventions because its shocking the audience, but has a horror fill to it because off the gore etc.
Here the music is typical of a death scene, very squely like violins and build up tension. Again with the film the gore is alot with the sound goes higher when shes hit, also the sound effects of the hit ats a jumping feel.
Aagin the sound here, when the mother sees the flowers that represent her baby the music is showing her feelings, they are destressed and horrific.
This is our preliminary task video. It is our second attempt at filming a preliminary task the shots we have in our task are: establishing shot, close up shot, match on action shot, reaction shot (note: even the dance is in the reaction shot, this shows that our continuity was not quite right.), shot, reverse shot, two shot. Enjoy!^^